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EV Chargers Grant for WA Businesses

With the rising demand for electric vehicles (EVs) and the urgent need to transition towards a more sustainable transportation system, the Australian government is taking steps to incentivise the adoption of EVs and EV chargers. Businesses in Western Australia can now take advantage of EV charging grants from the state government. In this blog post, we will explore the details of EVs and EV charging systems and how they drive sustainable transportation’s future.

Offering paid EV charging services for visitors, guests, or staff can lead to an increase in profits for your business/investment. They are a great incentive to bring in more guests or offer benefits to staff who have EV cars.

Charge Up Workplace EV Charging Grants

The government of Western Australia is actively promoting the expansion of electric vehicle chargers by providing co-funding of up to 50% of their cost through $15 million in grants. These chargers can be installed in workplace car parks for the convenience of employees and visitors, or in eligible businesses such as cafes, recreation centres, or wineries.

The Charge Up Workplace Grants initiative is designed to simplify and reduce the costs for small to medium-sized enterprises, not-for-profit organisations, and local government authorities when installing EV charging equipment at their workplaces.

The application deadline is 12th May 2023. Due to its popularity, the EV charging grant is expected to reach capacity before this deadline. As an authorised provider and installer of EV charging equipment, we offer a streamlined and expeditious process to facilitate the transition to the Charge Up EV charging grant. Contact Perth Solar Force for more information on EV Chargers and find out your business’s eligibility for the grant.

Type of EV Chargers


The Sinexcel Interstellar AC Charger is the ideal EV charger for businesses looking to take advantage of the limited government grant. Its innovative design and user-friendly interface make it the perfect EV Charger for community centres, hotels, wineries, office complexes and apartment buildings.

Sinexcel Packages including installation start at

  • 1x $3,333
  • 2x $5,555
  • 3X $7,777
  • 4x $9,999

After Gov. incentive, ex GST


Tesla offers Wall Connectors with Wi-Fi connection to update your EV charger automatically. You can also buy a pedestal to mount your Wall Connector for stand-alone charging.


Zappi EV chargers are designed with smart solar charging in mind. Their chargers detect when solar energy is being exported to the grind and instead divert the excess solar power to charge vehicles instead.


The Wallbox Pulsar and Pulsar Max and compact yet powerful EV charging devices. Their intuitive design allows for simple connection and charging. Your vehicle’s charging sessions can also be controlled via the MyWallBox app, making Wallbox changers the perfect option for smart charging at home.

Use Commercial Solar to Make Your EV Chargers Solar Smart

Adding EV chargers to your business to most beneficial when they are connected to a commercial solar system. This is the best way to lower the costs of having EV Chargers on your property. Contact Perth Solar Force to learn more about commercial solar or find out which EV chargers work best with your current solar power system.

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