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Solar in Western Australia 2022: A Year in Review

Australia is currently leading the world in solar energy. It was reported in 2022 that around 12% of the country’s electricity was generated by solar in the previous year [1]. Our use of solar energy isn’t slowing down either. The use of solar and wind energy in Australia’s energy market has increased by around 9% in 2021 [1]. This increase in solar energy is predominantly powered by the installation of solar panels at residential and commercial properties.

Looking specifically at Western Australia, over 400,000 WA homes and businesses had rooftop solar connected to the main grid as of January 2022. It’s estimated that half of WA’s households will have solar panels installed by 2030 [2].

Let’s look back at the events of solar energy in 2022 that will define the direction of WA renewable energy in 2023.

Solar Power

Western Australia’s new solar feed-in tariffs came into effect in July 2022. This is the credit that WA homes can receive for the excess energy exported to the grid.

State Government owned power company, Horizon Power, revealed a project that will convert solar plant electricity into green hydrogen. The green hydrogen will be used for fuel cells to power homes in Denham, WA.

The Tonsely Innovation District in South Australia completed the second stage of its solar expansion project. This solar energy system now generates 7,000 MWh of energy a year.

Solar Farms

WA’s biggest solar farm in Merredin was the best performing photovoltaic asset in Australia for November 2022. The Merredin Solar Farm is made up of 360,000 solar panels to generate energy for South West of WA.

The Victorian State Government has also announced six energy generation storage projects. They plan to have government operations fully powered by these renewable energy projects by 2025.

Solar Battery Storage

Akaysha Energy, a Melbourne-based solar battery developer, was purchased by BlackRock in August. BlackRock is planning to invest $1 billion into the rollout and distribution of its battery project in Australia.

The WA Government and Synergy also announced in late December 2022 that rooftop solar and batteries will be installed at 17 schools (including several regional schools) as part of the Schools Virtual Power Plant Pilot Project.

With the increase in residential solar energy usage, the installation of a solar battery will save you even more by storing the excess solar energy your panels produce.

Electric Vehicles and EV Chargers

In late 2022, an Electric Car Discount was introduced as part of the Treasury Laws Amendment. EVs valued below $84,000 will also receive cuts on import tariffs and the Fringe Benefits Tax. This has made purchasing electric vehicles more affordable than ever.

More EV models have made their way into the Australian market including BYD’s Atto 3 and the MG compact SUV. These are some of the most affordable EV models to date.

The Federal Government also plans to introduce penalties for carbon emissions to further push consumers to switch to EVs.

As part of WA’s Electric Vehicle Strategy, the McGowan Government began installations for Australia’s longest EV charging network in November. The network is planned to be finished in January 2024.

With an increase in electric vehicles on the road in the future, there will be an increase in EV charging stations on roads and parking lots. There are also options to have an EV charger installed in your household to make using electric vehicles more convenient.

These renewable energy trends in 2022 are all pointing towards Australia’s use of solar energy increasing in 2023 and the future. With increases in government support for solar, there hasn’t been a better time to invest in solar for your home or business.

The Perth Solar Force team has 30+ years of combined experience in solar energy. We have installed solar power systems on residential and commercial properties across many suburbs in Perth. If you haven’t had solar panels installed at your property or need to upgrade your system, Perth Solar Force is here to help.

Contact Perth Solar Force to start your solar energy journey today. Our team will help answer any questions or concerns you may have.

[1] Global Electricity Review 2022, Ember, March 2022

[2] Western Australia’s Rapid Solar Evolution, Government of Western Australia, January 2022

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