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Solar Panels in Perth

It's official: WA has more sunshine than any other State

The Bureau of Meteorology reports Perth has an average of 9 hours of sunshine per day and 3212 hours per annum.

With this amount of sunshine, your return on investment for your solar system is higher than anywhere else in the country.

With electricity rates and charges rising each year, it makes sense that Perth’s residences and businesses would take advantage of solar energy.

Average Hours Of Sunshine In A Year Diagram

7 reasons Why You should install Solar Panels In Perth

  1. Perth gets more sun than anywhere else in the country. More sun means more solar.
  2. Save money on every power bill. Electricity inflation is no longer your concern.
  3. Get up to $2,628 paid off your system through financial incentives (based on the price of a 6.66kW system).
  4. Any excess power you create and don’t use goes back into the grid and you get paid for it.
  5. Massive rate of return on your initial cost to install the solar systems. They can pay themselves off in as little as 2 years.
  6. You get to feel good about doing your bit for the environment.
  7. Solar can add value to your property and help it sell quicker.

Every third house has solar installed in WA. The average system size in Perth is 4.98kW compared with the average Australian size of 3.15kW. The Top 10 Solar Suburbs in WA for 2020 are listed, along with the expected average daily outputs in difference solar system sizes.

RankSuburb# Systems
2Canning Vale6,001
8Piara Waters2,991
9Halls Head2,974
Solar Panels Systems in Perth output
Solar system size (kW)Avg daily system output (kWh)
1.5kW6-7 kWh
3kW12-13 kWh
5kW20-22 kWh
7kW28-30.5 kWh
10kW40-44 kWh

What are the Benefits of Installing Solar?

Create Your Own Power

Create Your Own Power

Reduce your ongoing electricity price and protect against rising utility rates. Australia Electricity prices have increased more than 30% in the last 4 years.

Pay Off Your System

Pay Off Your System

The savings generated from your solar panel system will pay off your system in 2-3 years. Imagine what you could do with all that extra cash after you have paid it off!

Interest Free Cash Flow

Interest Free Cash Flow

Positive cash flow from Day 1. It literally pays for itself! In most cases excess power can be sold back to the grid.

Go Green

Go Green

Install solar and feel good about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the use of fossil fuel energy.

It's So Cheap

It's So Cheap

With Perth Solar force’s buying power, we offer our customers everyday great deals from a variety of quality brands. We even have a free callout visit and quote!

Boost Property Value

Boost Property Value

Solar panels increase the value of your property. Even if you sell in a few years, you will still be ahead. Sell your house quicker by adding a competitive edge to your property.

Financial Incentives

Financial Incentives

Huge Solar incentives, reducing prices by 50% - 60%, saving you even more!

Go To Sleep Easy

Go To Sleep Easy

You can sleep easy knowing Perth Solar Force works alongside your family to help you become more energy efficient, so you can save money and feel good about being environmentally friendly.
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